Can a Beseler 23CII handle 6x9 negatives? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I'm interested in buying a 6x9 view camera, but need to know if my enlarger, a Beseler 23CII, can handle that size negative. I was told that the condenser might not cover a large enough area. I'd appreciate any input.

-- Brenda Frezeman (, January 29, 2002


Yes, Brenda, it was designed to cover negatives between Minox [16mm] and 6x9. The condenser is adjustable up and down for this purpose. Look at the handle on the right side and the scale on the back right side.

You need to get a copy of the manual for your enlarger. I believe Beseler will send you one if asked. Try:

Note, you'll need a new negative holder for that size negative, but they are a common item. Lots have been made over the years.

-- Alec (, January 29, 2002.

The "23" stands for 2 x 3 (or 2-1/2 x 3-1/4). This Beseler 23 family of enlargers was specifically designed for the 6x9 format as the largest size. The condensors will do it. You'll probably need a longer lens, though, if you're currently using an 80 or 75mm lens it isn't long enough. Go for 105 to 135mm.

-- Charlie Strack (, January 29, 2002.

Minox film is 8x11mm, typically referred to as 8mm. Beseler made a film carrier for that film to use on the 23C series. You'd typically look for a much shorter enlarging lens, though, much as you'd use a longer lens for the larger formats.

-- Jeff Polaski (, January 30, 2002.

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