Using a 50mm lens on a Omega Type DII Enlarger : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

My friend has a really old enlarger. Its the Omega D series. It looks like a double condenser enlarger. Both condensers are in a metal tube and it does not look like its meant to be move easily for different enlarger lenses. She was using a 135mm lens with it. She bought a 50mm lenses so she could do some 35mm work. She isn't able to get an large magnification with the enlarger. Increasing the enlarger's height and the image is still 6x9 inches max. It might be the extended lens cone she put the lens on. We tried playing with the condenser but they always projected the same size image. Does anyone know what is wrong with the enlarger and what I have to do to increase the size of the image? Thanks.

-- David Payumo (, January 28, 2002


The lens cone is the problem. You need a flat lens plate for 50mm. You might find one on ebay.


-- ricardo (, January 29, 2002.

You may also need to change the lower condenser.

-- r (, January 29, 2002.

Try Harry Taylor has just about every part you would need for an Omega D-Series. He also hosts a useful question & answer forum.

-- Robert Orofino (, January 29, 2002.

I would second the endorsement of Harry Taylor. I've had a couple of Omega enlargers and over the past few years have had several questions ranging from basic to esoteric. He has always been most helpful. I agree, however, that the lens cone is the culprit here. Later D-model Omegas have a moveable lens stage with bellows, eliminating the need for cones. Also, on my D-2, there's a diagram inside the cover of the condenser housing that indicates where to put the condensers for different film formats.

-- Randy Bradbury (, January 30, 2002.

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