Chickens laying : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
How do tell if a hen is still laying eggs or needs to be butchered?
-- Lynn (, January 28, 2002
if there are eggs "appearing" most likely its froma hen thats laying
-- Stan (, January 28, 2002.
There are ways to check the chicken. I have never tried but I've heard you can look at their vents and currently laying hens look different from the non-laying one. I'd check with the local County Extension office. They have literature that will tell you what to look for. Pictures even:) Nancy
-- Nancy (, January 28, 2002.
Or check the "Older Messages" here - particularly "Poultry" and most particularly "Poultry (Eggs)". Search on "lay" and you'll definitely find some of the many answers to this question.
-- Don Armstrong (, January 28, 2002.
You might try this, two fingers width or more in the vent area means that they are laying and I have also heard that non-laying hens legs are yellow.Happy Future, jim
-- Jim Raymond (, January 28, 2002.
Lynn, The vent on your hen should be a bright pink and moist, not dried up. Also, her comb and wattles should be bright red and large. If she is not laying, her wattles and comb will be small and off colored and her leg color will be faded. I'm not sure where you are located but some breeds slow down this time of the year due to the cold weather. Best of luck!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, January 28, 2002.
Stan, you are just a booger today. If there are no eggs, then the hen isn't laying? Hmmmmm, never put the two together....
-- Gailann Schrader (, January 28, 2002.
you tke and put your fingers between the bones in the back of the bird. And if two fingers is all that will go there laying flat then the pelvis bones have tightened up because she is not an active layer. Should be three fingers or more.Also a non laying hen will have a very small whitish comb. good layers have red and bigger combs. Also email me for a free sample of nationalpoultrynews. Glenda L.heywood
-- GLheywood (, February 01, 2002.