Rooster to Capon ? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Can antone tell me how, or where I might find info on caponing a Rooster? I know folks used to do it a lot when I was young, but I never learned how as we moved into town when I started school. Now in my later years I would like to learn how.Thanks in advance for any help.

-- Tim Allen (, January 27, 2002



Try this place:

-- Eric in ID (, January 27, 2002.

Stromberg's has both a book and a surgical kit to do it in there catalog. Would think you might want someone who has done this and knows what they are doing to help you the first time. This is not like doing a hog or other livestock as you have to go into the bird. But should be doable with proper training. gail

-- gail missouri ozarks (, January 28, 2002.

I have seen it suggested that you practice the procedure on a couple of birds that have already been killed first. Seemed like a good idea to me.

-- Laura Jensen (, January 28, 2002.

I agree that you should practice on a dead bird, cutting open a live one is a daunting experience. It will help alot to have some one who will hold the bird still, so you can use both hands.

-- Thumper (, January 28, 2002.

I've thought about it, but concluded it wasn't worth the bother. If you find otherwise, please let me know. Thanks, and GL!

-- Brad (, January 28, 2002.

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