Exactly what do I need so I can play media clips on a playstation one?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Exactly what do I need so I can play media clips on a playstation one?

-- Sam (rct_ultra@hotmail.com), January 27, 2002


In what form are these media clips??

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), January 28, 2002.

They are mostly mpg, mpeg, mov, avi, and compressed divx avi clips. If you can help me I would greatly appreciate it :D

-- Sam (rct_ultra@hotmail.com), January 28, 2002.

I know that the PSONE reads in .STR format and I think it might actually read in .MOV, but I'm not sure about it. Try making a test CD to see if it works..... and do you know whether or not it reads 80 min CDs or just 74 min?

-- Rob (njdev08@hotmail.com), April 10, 2002.

http://dev.paradogs.com/tools.html This is a good site for all of the necessary conversions

-- Bryan Joseph Pullman (zerogravidy@hotmail.com), June 19, 2002.

You need a video audio converter to convert any media file to uncompressed avi then I can give you software to convert to .str format. This is proven I have preformed this successfully with my mpeg files. You will also need a "special" gameshark that I can get you- or tell you where to get it.


-- Mark (Marksman_2@hotmail.com), July 22, 2002.

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