How old must a female rabbit be before it is ready to mate : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I bought a 5 month old mixed-pedigree rabbit today. I did so because I felt my 11 month old angora, Bugsy's his name, needed a companion/mate. Upon bringing her home I figured that she may be a little too young (and small) for my Bugsy. I thought of buying a slightly more mature female rabbit but figured that it would be very difficult getting them used to each other due to age. A younger rabbit would adapt better. I'm keeping them seperate for the time being. The thought of letting them together is a little scary since my Bugsy is full grown. How old should she be before I am able to let them be together?..... by the way, I havent' named her yet, but am contemplating Buttons or Bubbles among others :o)

-- Juliana (, January 26, 2002


She should be at least 6 months old before she is bred. Check out and for some more good info.


-- (, January 26, 2002.

"Should be", may be the operative words. I have had 3-4 month old males impregnate their mothersbefore I got them moved into their own cages. One thing I have learned, and it may be just angoras, is if you intend to breed you have to do it on a fairly regular schedule. For example; don't get a doe and breed her once then wait a year or so and decide to breed her again. From what I know they won't take a easily if not bred fairly regularly, say once a year or more often.


-- Susan northern MN (, January 26, 2002.

Hi Juliana, In my experience, it is best to wait until the doe is at least 6 months old to breed her. She may be "ready" now (as in WILLING to participate) but it is not in her best interest to have babies this young. Sometimes if the rabbit gives birth too young she will not take care of the babies, simply because she is not mature enough to know what to do. With some of my larger breeds I wait until they are 8 months old, but the smaller breeds I usually start at 6 months. Hope this helps.

-- Tracey in Alabama (trjlaneir@CS.COM), January 26, 2002.

Julianna, from experience, don't wait too long because they bet to old to breed as well! The advice about breeding often is good-of course be sure that you have homes for all the kits, either as pets or dinner first. betty

-- betty modin (, January 29, 2002.

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