Is there a self timer for a TX? : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I have owned a Canon TX for about 11 years now and Love the wonderful pictures it takes, but I realize that it would be nice to get a self timer so I can be included in the pictures. Does anyone know what kind it takes or what I need to look for particularly to get one that works for it? I currently found an original Canon timer but it screws on the outside of the button, and wont fit mine. Thanks for your help, Steve

-- Steve Argo (, January 25, 2002



Poke around and you should find a timer that that screws into the shutter button like a cable release. It doesn't have to be a Canon. The one you have is for older Canon rangefinder type cameras, model II, III and IV. You can likely sell it to a collector.


-- Bill Salati (, January 26, 2002.

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