Free Monarch Cook Stove Parts : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

A friend was going to throw away (horror oh horrors!) a non usable Monarch Malleable Cook stove. I saved that sucker in case any of you are looking for parts. If you'll email me with your requests, I'll get back to you. I'll ask that you pay actual costs for postage or shipping or come by my house in southern Wisconsin to get them. Please put "Countryside" in the subject line if you email me so I don't delete it unread.

-- David Constantin in Wisconsin (, January 25, 2002


If you don't get any forum interest, put it on eBay as the entire stove or their selection of parts.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, January 25, 2002.

I am interested in the left side fire box liner. The one we have is starting to burn out.

-- Jim Allen (, February 09, 2002.

David, I bought an old Monarch last week Feb. 15 02. I am interested in parts to make this Cookstove usable. Unfortunately I am on my way to see my daughter, with nonrefundable tickets. I wont be back home in Missouri until March 16th. I am interested in the stove top (cooking surface) and some other parts. If you still have it after that date I am interested in driving up and getting the parts. Thanks, Walter Manigold Kirksville, Missouri

-- Walter Manigold (, February 24, 2002.

Hey David- I am needing warming ovens. Does this stove have them? Only problem is I live in Montana, but I would pay shipping if necessary.

-- Laurie Tynes (, February 27, 2002.

Sorry folks Everything is gone except for the dust where the stove once sat. Thank all of you for your interest and the speed at which you moved parts out! Fast enough to make my head spin.

-- DAVID Constantin In Wisconsin (, March 09, 2002.

If anyone else is interested in a Monarch Malleable, I have one in good condition for sale. It is in central wisconsin

-- Tim Weiss (, March 13, 2002.

Why doesn't someone on the east coast have one of these for sale? Every one I look at on Ebay is on the west coast or in the mid-west.

-- Sheila in NC (, March 13, 2002.

I have inherited a monarch stove and don't know which model. where can i find pictures etc to i.d. it and how much it might be worth. It is in excellent condition. Val in northern utah.

-- val warren (, March 16, 2002.

I need all four legs for a Malleable Monarch wood cook stove. I also need the knobs for the door on the firebox in the front of the stove.

-- John Powell (, May 06, 2002.

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