self sufficiency (on a 70-acre farm) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

anybody have ideas on how we could make a living off a 70 acre farm.

-- Tim Gruber (, January 24, 2002


Response to self sufficiency

You could sell it, but lottery tickets and live off the interest.Obviously that assumes you win.

-- Dale Winton (, January 24, 2002.

Response to self sufficiency

There is an "Income" category in the archives you could check out. I'm betting you have provided way too little information to get much response. Do you have any possibilities in mind? Any ideas you've thought might be good? Ken has a free e-book available on this subject. Maybe you can ask him for it. It's quite good.

-- Laura Jensen (, January 24, 2002.

Response to self sufficiency

Do an inventory, how much bottom land? How much pasture? Wooded or cleared? Adequate water? Soil type? Get this together and reask. Are you in good health, are kids present, do you have any experience? Ect.

-- mitch hearn (, January 24, 2002.

Response to self sufficiency

Laura is right, we need more info. Like what part of the country are you in, Are you in the USA?

-- cowgirlone in OK (, January 24, 2002.

Response to self sufficiency

I must have posted at the same time as you Mitch! An inventory is a good idea. Best of luck.

-- cowgirlone in OK (, January 24, 2002.

Response to self sufficiency

Ages and make-up of family. Personal skills and experience of same. Location (fairly close or even exact - there may be people who know the area intimately). Proximity to markets. Access to farm (condition of roads, anything else). Financial resources (like, can you afford to buy a tractor, ploughs, trucks, whatever). What equipment do you already have? Are there any things which emotionally call to you? Certainly all the other information as above. Need LOTS of info.

Also, have you got Ken Scharabok's e-book on earning money at home? Best value you'll ever get. He'll e-mail it to you free of charge if you're nice to him: saying "please", and not making his life as moderator of this forum difficult, seem to be about enough.

Also, have you any relatives in Australia? I realise "Gruber" is a fairly common name, but my parent's best man was a Gruber, and (co- incidentally - really - there's hundreds of miles of separation) their son is a friend of my brother.

-- Don Armstrong (from Australia) (, January 25, 2002.

Probably the first thing you would need to do would be define "make a living". Everyones idea of making a living is a bit different. Do you own your farm outright or is there a big mortgage?? Location to markets?? We need lots of information to be able to give advice here.

-- diane (, January 25, 2002.

if your land is pasture land & you don't have livestock, you could rent the pasture land out. That's what my great-grandmother did after she was the only one living on ther farm.

-- tresa lamb (, January 25, 2002.

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