What is Your Favorite Cooking Site?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
What is you favorite online cooking site?
-- Karen (mountains_mama@hotmail.com), January 23, 2002
I like allrecipes.com and check it frequently. I can enter an ingredient that I have and find recipes to use it in.
-- Grannytoo (jacres40@hotmail.com), January 23, 2002.
I like www.recipesource.com and I used to like the Food TV site til they changed the format. I also love any bbq, smokin and grillin site! Happy cooking!
-- cowgirlone in OK (cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), January 23, 2002.
I like http://missvickie.com a site for pressure cooker nuts - like me! I'm a diehard fan of pressure cookery and it's hard to find recipes seems like most everything on the web is all the same. So if any of you are into pressure cookers I recommend this site.
-- linda pearl carl (site_0ne@yahoo.com), January 25, 2002.