chicken eggs (best breeds) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
thinking about getting some chickens this spring.just wanderd which breed is good for eggs. & is there any certian breed that is good for eggs & meat. this will be my first try at raising chickens
-- DAVE COYNER (, January 23, 2002
Rhode Island Reds are the best for eggs. Cornish are best for butchering because they gain so fast. In my experience there isn't a dual purpose chicken. They've been bred to do a specific thing and do it well!
-- Carla (, January 23, 2002.
It's me again, Carla. I've raised chickens for almost 18 years and the best deal is to purchase Rhode Island Reds for the eggs and from Murray McMurray's Hatchery purchase one of their special bargains of all rooster chicks,it's cheaper that way.
-- Carla (, January 23, 2002.
We have Isa Browns which lay an egg a day every day so far. They are very hardy birds, quite large and their eggs have very hard shells. All our eggs now are either extra large or jumbo.
-- susan banks (, January 23, 2002.
You can't beat Barred Rocks for egg laying and hardiness. They are also a great size for eating. In 8 years and 3 kinds of chickens, I would always go back to Barred Rocks. They are also excellent foragers. Have a great day. Cindy
-- Cindy Noll (, January 24, 2002.
Susan would you email me and let me know where you buy these Isa Brown hens and do you know if they are the same as the Red Stars, which I believe is a hybrid between a Rhode Island hen and a White Leghorn rooster. Thanks so much.
-- Calvin (, January 24, 2002.
Everyone has their own favorite breed of chicken so you'll probably get many different answers :-)! My personal favorite is the Buff Orpington...very mellow and will lay extra large and jumbo eggs. Barred or Plymough Rocks are also great. Just remember that meat chickens are just that and nothing else...they are not good layers!
-- Marcia (, January 24, 2002.
My vote is for Barred Rock. I've raised alot of chickens in 20 years. I like the Barred Rock, because they seem to be less susceptable to disease, are good to eat and lay big eggs...I got a triple yoker one time, you should have seen the size of that egg! Made me wince just thinking about it! I just bought 50 new Barred Rock pullet chicks and 2 roosters for $73.00 + tax. They will be here on March 28th...I CANNOT WAIT! Good luck, Harmony
-- Harmony (, January 24, 2002.
My Millie Fleur Hybrid gives my one blue egg a day.
-- Jeff (, March 12, 2002.
Hey yall I here asking which one of these birds are better eggs layers. I have turkeys,silkies,broilers,ducks, and dutch bantams. Thanks to all who can let me know more about chickens. I would also like to know how long it takes before the eggs will hatch and what other types of chickens or what types of turkeys that you think I should buy next.You can email me at
-- Kevin Galamb (, March 13, 2002.