Why can't we?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I have noticed on the "Word Network" the push in positive media exposure from the C.O.G.I.C.(Church of God in Christ). There program "C.O.G.I.C. Now" broadcasts different worship experiences during their Holy Convocation. At the end of each broadcast, there is a song which is sung concerning their "belief and mission." Additionally, Bishop G.E. Patterson reminds persons to visit a Church of God in Christ in their local community. My questions pertains to this, why can't we establish an active media ministry to keep persons informed and involved upon the Church, both locally and connectionally? It would be encouraging to see the AME Church put forth a similar effort to let members know about its accomplishments in Social justice and evangelistic efforts. At the close of each broadcast, it would be encouraging to remind members to attend church period. I am interested to read what others may think. Ray Allen

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002


Dear Brother I believe the answer is in to words, Mind-set and money. Your point is quite good and worth of debate.

Good Luck

Blessings to you

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2002

Our commentary is sad when it comes to reaching the saved and unsaved via the media. As a connectional church, it just looks like our vision is short sighted.

In another thread, we were told that information regarding where we stand on certain social issues is written in volumes but as to what decisions are made pro or con on the issues that didn't pass for inclusion into the discipline, that information has yet to be divulged. In essence, if you're not present at the time, you just won't know. For instance, where does the church stand on the war in Afganistan? Sudan? the Congo? Somaila? Does anybody really care? Do we support the New Tribe Missions missionaries? Do we have trained and equipped "missionaries" to go into these areas?

Bishop Patterson is a visionary and I must say again to our people, "where there is no vision, the people perish." It's as simple as that.

By the way, Bishop A. J. Richardson, when he was the pastor of Bethel AME in Tallahasse had a television program and I believe that under Pastor John Green it's still on the air. And I hope there are other AME Churches, that have a television or radio ministry.

It's taking us a wilderness journey to get to the promise land, but we will get there - one day! I've got hope.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

A number of our churches do engage in radio broadcasts (probably too many to mention on a thread). Like other threads recently started, it may be worthwhile to gather the known fruit here. In that regard, Bethel, Baltimore has a national broadcast that's carried by BET on Thursday morning, 7:30 AM EST. The Empowerment Temple, Baltimore, is building a syndicated televsioni network. Its broadcast can be viewed in many states, and you should check their web site for specifics.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2002

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