50th Anniversary Edition Brownie Box Camera - Brown

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Brownie Cameras : One Thread

I received a Brownie Camera. The camera is a wood construction, with a brown leather (leatherette) cover. The interior of the camera does not include a model number, nor is there one listed on the cover. The cover does have the 50th anniversary gold embossed seal indicating that 1930 was the 50th anniversary year.

I was wondering what the model is, and if there is any value to the camera. The case is in great condition and all the parts work. The case size is 5 1/2 deep, 4 3/8 high, and 3 inches wide.

A response to this inquiry would be greatly appreciated.


-- Robin Jansen (thepharm@msn.com), January 20, 2002

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