Throwing in the towel update : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi Everyone.....This is an update for all those who helped me decide NOT to throw in the towel. I put an ad in the paper for 20 chickens for $20.00. Sold them to the first caller. Since then, the phone has been ringing off the hook and I could have sold 420 chickens as of this morning. The 2 rabbits that had no male to make them happy left here about three hours ago. The man was very happy with them. Kept commenting how healthy they were. So we are down to 2 heifers now. Think we will have them both bred soon. I did order 50 Barred Rock Pullet Chicks and two spare Cockerels yesterday, so looking forward to them arriving at the end of March. This is my motivation to do needed repairs on the chicken coop. I'm feeling much better today than I was a week ago. Things are being put into perspective FINALLY! Hubby is taking me out to a New Chinese Restaurant tonight...WHAT A TREAT! Still don't have my "sexy" PJ's put together yet.... I have come up with a new slogan for my days now...."Do Something Today for the Good of the Homestead". Yesterday I cleaned out the compost bin and put it on the garden. Today I'm hanging drywall in the new laundry room...... I think everything is gonna be allright! Thanks for the encouragement everybody! Love, Harmony

-- Harmony (, January 19, 2002


I'm glad things are looking up for you.These long winter days get me down too. Here in W.Wa it seems the clouds touch the rooftops most days and we forget what the sun looks like. But, all it takes is one sunny day, when every thing is so green and pretty out, and I'm rearing to go again. Besides my seed catalogues came so spring MUST be on the way.

-- Judy Schumacher (, January 19, 2002.

WOW! When you get busy, you REALLY get busy!!!!!

-- Terri (, January 19, 2002.


-- Helena (, January 19, 2002.

"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal; my strength lies solely in my tenacity." Louis Pasteur

-- paul (, January 19, 2002.

Don't give up!!! We're all here to help each other!!!!

-- Suzy in Bama (, January 19, 2002.

To paraphrase a wise man ---"Opportunity and problems live in the same barn-it is what you make of them that proves its worth." May the SON of happiness and peace shine on you...

-- Jim NE KY (, January 19, 2002.

This is my first post on this thread, but let me tell you, the first one had my tears rolling. My marriage had been down sooo low, and there's nothing that's ever made me feel that bad before, so I was really identifying with you. But mine came back from ASHES, and maybe yours can, too. It is a long slow process, it takes a while to fall in love again. But if you both want to, make that decision together, and work to that end. The most important thing both my husband and I learned about marriage is -If you want to change someone, change yourself first. It's hard when you've had your guard up for so long, but it is working for us. God Bless your family and your homestead. We are certainly seeing this forum at its very best, aren't we?

-- Debbie in Mo (, January 19, 2002.


This is my first post too, after reading your other thread. I didn't feel quite comfortable as a relative newbie here to give you my two cents before. But, now, what the heck, here goes.

I'm so glad things are looking brighter for you. I've been in that stuck mode more than once too. When I am determined to break out of that mode I set small goals for myself. Things like..every day this week I must throw out or give away one thing that I don't need, can't fix. Tomorrow I will say something nice to somebody that I always forget to voice. Wednesday I will clean the _fill in the blank_. I don't have to think about cleaning the whole house. Just that one thing.

I try to do one small task a day. I tell myself in advance what that task is. Sometimes I even write it down. It can be a physical task as well as a human relations task. But, it is small enough that I can feel successful.


PC [tomorrow I will do dishes and return containers to a friend]

-- pc (, January 19, 2002.

Hi Harmaoy. I am so glad that things are looking brighter for you. I remember your original thread and how I felt for you. I would be willing to bet that each of us here has at one time or another thought of throwing in the towel but then we take a deep breath and move forward and once we start seeing the things we can accomplish we are so happy that we held on to that towel. I wish you all the best and hope that by this summer you are able to stand back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. George

-- george nh (, January 19, 2002.

The last time I tried to throw in the towel I turned around and somebody had filled the darned laundry hamper back up (more towels!) Why do people only talk about up and down? Sometimes a shift sideways does wonders! And Harmony, have you every thought about 'imaginary' sexy PJ's? Glad to hear that things are looking better. I missed the original thread as I'm another newbie to this forum, but I really like how people care about each other, and for the most part give others reasonable and helpful suggestions. Have a wonderful day. Bernie

-- bernie (, January 19, 2002.

Remember that love is a commetment not a feeling! Happy Future,jim

-- Jim Raymond (, January 20, 2002.

Way to go Harmony!! Just what we need just now, a ray of sunshine! You go girl!

-- Sandie in Maine (, January 20, 2002.

ms. harmony ,thank you for sharing your bad times & your good times. & when you have your place all spick & span can i interest you in a little trip to a messy mississippi homestead ? :)

-- bj pepper in C. MS. (, January 21, 2002.

Way to go girl!!!!

Yep, like the others have said, marriage is a learning experience, and not always is the lesson either easy or pleasant, but the key is that learning thing!!! Try not to make the same mistakes over and over, anyone can make a mistake once or twice, but only idiots keep making the same mistakes over and over and over....

Gosh, it's scary when you get to thinking, now I'm old enough and been married long enough (21 years this year) to actually qualify to give out free advice to folks, must mean I'm getting to be one of those "old farts" previously mentioned :-)!!!

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 24, 2002.

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