voltage stabilisersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
In an ongoing search for print consistency I am considering buying a voltage stabiliser. I currently use a Durst TRA 305N "isolating transformer". Would this be over kill?
-- steve (stephenjjones@btopenworld.com), January 16, 2002
Voltage stabilisation is a must for consistent results in colour printing, but for B&W it's a bit of a luxury that may not have any visible benefit. It really depends how reliable your mains electricity supply is.
Check the specification of your Durst TRAwhatevermebob first. Some enlarger supplies have built-in voltage stabilisation. If so, then it's a waste of money fitting a line regulator as well. Otherwise, a constant voltage transformer should eliminate any fluctuation in the light output of your enlarger lamp.
-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), January 17, 2002.