How to duplicate a : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi i copied .DAT file from a VCD,now i can play that .DAT file in my to make a VCD using that dat file? so that i can play in my DVD/VCD player.
-- Ramana Dharwada (, January 16, 2002
Well, I'm kinda new to this but I know how to do it, but my way doesn't produce very good quality. You take your mpeg1 file and burn it with nero, and if you goto they will show you exactly how to do that.
-- Jones Carter (, January 17, 2002.
Well, the easiest way would have been to directly copy the VCD :>)If I remember correctly, my Nero version doesn't accept .dat files. It doesn't see them as correct MPEG1 files.
There is a tool called dat2mpg (or dat2mpeg ?), search on vcdhelp etc. That will convert your .dat file to a .mpg that Nero will accept.
ps : choose the new VCD option in Nero to create a VCD.
Regards, Hans Bus
-- Hans Bus (, January 17, 2002.