Contacts with other Homesteaders : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I would like to get in contact with active homesteaders. I want to be a homesteader and can't seem to get there for several reasons. My questions are: Finding property & getting there,( Remember the movie "The wildernes family", thats what i am looking for. Getting to know other homesteaders with like interests. Communities with like interests and so on. Can someone help?

-- Nancy Donley (, January 15, 2002


Hi Nancy.

All you have to do is post a question and the active homesteaders here will try to help with your questions. George

-- george (, January 15, 2002.

Hey , I just got the wilderness family tapes for xmas .I loved it when I was a kid and still love it .I wish you luck , my family would kill me before living like that .

-- Patty {NY State} (, January 15, 2002.

Are these the vidoes where their daughter is forever screaming bloody murder because there is a bear/ cougar/wolves/etc. etc after her? We enjoyed them tremendously but after a while my kids could mimick her and did so at every opportunity....

-- Tana Mc (, January 15, 2002.

I guess the question is how badly do you want to get your own land and homestead ?? That is something only you can answer. You don't need to live like the Wilderness Family from the start. Maybe just get a little country home and begin from there. I also love the tapes of the Wilderness Family. My family loves to make fun of them. They are a bit corny...but sometimes corny is OK !!! Good Luck and remember it's up to you to be where you want to be in life !!!

-- Helena (, January 15, 2002.

Agree with Helena,also would add the reason alot of folks don't make it farming and homesteading is they didn't realize be fore hand the amount of physical labor involved.

-- Gary (, January 16, 2002.

I don't geuss I qaulify as a homesteader, maybe a small farmer, but I'll help anyway I can. I'm only a click away.

-- Joel Combs (, January 16, 2002.

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