Users Manual for Command Back E1 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread


I am starting a photography hobby and I recently bought a used Canon EOS 1 with a command back E1. I started using all the features of the EOS 1 but one thing I wanted to explore next is the Command Back E1. It didn't come with a users manual and I was wondering if there is anybody out there with a similar outfit and have a Users Manual for the command back E1.

I was told to call the Canon USA for this manual and apparently, they ran out of copies. It would really appreciate it if anyone could send me a photocopy, or pdf format of the manual for a fee.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely, Ed

-- Ed Razon (, January 15, 2002


Hello Ed, and others looking for the User Manual for the Canon Command Back E1.

I am looking for the same Manual. I visited Canon Canada Head Office and was told they no longer have Manuals for the Command Back E1.

If someone locates one I would also appreciate being sent information on the E1. I have tried the "push a Button" method discovering some of the features. I have figured out some of the Features, others continue to elude me.

Here is information from Canon Marketing Malaysia:

Offers data imprinting and timer functions. Data such as year/month/day or day/hour/minutes, six digit user-selected numbers, or consecutive frame numbers can be printed in the bottom right of the film frame at the time of exposure. Timer functions include a variable delay self-timer, an interval timer, and a long exposure timer.

I am trying to figure out how to access the interval and long exposure timer features. Any assistance would be appreciated.



-- Brian Kirkey (, April 03, 2002.

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