Problem in copying .dat file to make vcd in EZ cd creator : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi! I tried to copy a 1.dat file in a cd-r to make it a vcd, along with other files & folders (cdi, segment,vcd etc). I named the 1.dat file as Avseq01.dat, & put it in mpegav folder. The file is a dat file copied from another vcd to hard disk. & to burn to vcd, I just copied all files from another vcd of similar format(NTSC VCD), except the .dat file, & replaced the Avseq01.dat file with 1.dat & renamed it avseq01.dat & burnt the whole thing to a cd. But that cd does not run in a vcd player. Why is it so ? How can I burn the 1.dat file to a cd-r so that my vcd player will play the movie. My vcd player also plays mp3 files burnt in a cd-r. Thanx.
-- Shreebatsa Dhital (, January 14, 2002
Copying this or that file into a CD-R DOES NOT a VCD make. You DON'T merely copy; you AUTHOR. To do this u should have a VCD-authoring program (like Nero, where on choosing the VCD tab you can put in the avseqxx.dat files u lifted off some other VCD. Please read ALL the entries in this forum. Try your darn best to make sense of them. Go to the other recommended websites. If you wouldn't or couldn't then fine by me except that you may find VCD-making an uphill battle.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 15, 2002.
You can just rename the DAT file to a .MPG file Then burn it that way
-- res1492 (, January 08, 2005.