Want a sheep skin with the wool on for slippers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have been unable to find GOOD dense fleece lined sheep skin slippers. Had one good pair and the pair I wear now is so 2002ish, for the "modern person" not someone who never takes them off except to go out and do "chores".

It cannot be that hard to make them. I have found sheepskin rugs, hides, but no hide with the wool on. I think I am probably not plugging it in to the search engine right.

Thanks for the help. bonnie

-- Bonnie Norris (queqid@att.net), January 13, 2002


Probably not on the site but i know they have them in Calrleton Place Ontario. They do mail order as well. Wool Growers

-- Ross (amulet@istar.ca), January 13, 2002.

Just had to say the sheep bleating on that web page drove my Border Collie nuts! LOL! Thanks, Ross! :)

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (jlance@nospammail.com), January 13, 2002.

do you have a TANDY leather near you,,I beleive I have seen them there before

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), January 13, 2002.

I have some sheepskins here with short to medium dense fleece on them . E mail me if you want more info.Most people like the really long wooled sheepskins but these are better for what you want. Kate

-- Kate henderson (kate@sheepyvalley.com), January 13, 2002.

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