can play vcd on A120 though not cdr?! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a Panasonic A120, which's dvd player list says can't play cdr (it can play cdrw and vcd supposedly). I have some vcds that can play perfectly on it. I have read that pressed vcds (not homemade ones) have very high reflexivity. However, most vcds are burned on cdrs. I tried making my own vcds on cdrs (blue) but they can't be recognized.

So, my question is, if I have some cdrs with high reflexivity (some say that silver/silver cdrs are good, since they are most like pressed vcds media), can I burn my own vcds (on those cdrs) and play it on my dvd player (or any dvd player that is not supposed to be able to play cdr)?

Thanks adri

-- Adrianto Azali (, January 12, 2002


i don't think silver on silver will work but you can try.

burning VCD on CD-RW might work..

let us know how you get on.

-- WWWhatsup (, January 12, 2002.

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