MY incubator, THEIR eggs. Can I make a little change? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Have you tried to hatch other folks' eggs in your incubator? How much should I charge? What are the pitfalls?
-- Buddy (, January 10, 2002
Hi Buddy, Around here it is 50-50 of the eggs that hatch. I've never charged any money and I think it works out better, at least for me. The pit falls are that some times no eggs hatch or only a few(power going out,unfertile eggs,things beyond your control). The amount you could reasonably charge would be far less than the value of half the hatch. Just my opinion, Daryll
-- Daryll in NW FLA (, January 10, 2002.
Maybe you could barter for a percentage of the live chicks after hatching, then keep or sell the chicks yourself. I think you could get more for live chicks than you could charge for hatching out the eggs.
-- Elizabeth (, January 10, 2002.
We usually just lend the incubator - that way they can do all the turning and watering and not be mad with us if none of them hatch!
-- kelly (, January 11, 2002.
Buddy, if you will post your question on "The Poultry Connection" you will get some replies from people who do this all the time and have for many years. This is a forum just for poultry and has some nice and very expert people who will be glad to share with you. LQ
-- Little Quacker (, January 13, 2002.