Old Eastman Kodak building in San Franciscogreenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread |
Does anyone know what became of the old Eastman Kodak Northern Sales Division Building in San Francisco? It was built in the early 1960's and I notice that Eastman Kodak is no longer in San Francisco.
-- Lizzie Kerrison (lkerriso@nmlrp.com), January 10, 2002
That was at 241 Battery Street (SW corner of Sacramento) according to the Splendid Survivors book. Built 1911, remodeled 1926.Somehow, I remember a discount shoe shop being in the upstairs. And a McDonald's, but I may be thinking of Front Street.
I have a sneaking feeling it's not there anymore. Some nice person could go look for you.... or you've got a nice excuse to take the Union or California buses the long way around.
-- Miss Rosa (rosadebon@yahoo.com), January 12, 2002.
I used to be the supervisor at Aquatic Park in the late 1970s and remember the Kodak Building well. It was located adjacent to the park's bocce ball courts at the terminus of Beach Street and adjacent to Van Ness Avenue. The building is still there but no longer used by Kodak.I believe this 'new' Kodak Building was built contemporaneously with the adjacent Fonatana Apartments when the ancient and historic Fontana Warehouse on the same location was demolished and 'redeveloped' circa 1962-1964.
The Kodak Building had its main entry on Van Ness Ave right behind the hulking apartment towers. The freight docks were located on Beach directly across from the Maritime Museum, and the dead-end street there was well-known as a place where you could park at night once the trucks stopped coming.
-- John Martini (jamartini@earthlink.net), January 12, 2002.