VCD created from EZCD 5.0 wont't : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I made some clips with MGI Videowave 4 and then burned onto a a TDK CD-R. However, I could not play it on my VCD play. Is there anything else needed during burning process to make it work?Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
-- Ziyang Zhong (, January 08, 2002
There are two possibilities: 1) You did something wrong in the burning process. I don't know anything about MGI Videowave, so I don't know if you used it correctly. 2) There is an excellent chance that your DVD or VCD player does not support CD-R media of any kind and it will never play VCDs you make yourself. The only solution to this problem is to buy a player that does support CD-R media. This is most likely your problem.
-- Jason (, January 08, 2002.
I have a Panasonic DVD unit that will not play any VCD's recorded on a CD-R disk. Try burning your files onto a CD-RW disk. I find the Memorex CD-RW work well.
-- Richard Rachlis (, May 20, 2002.