Rosebud Salve : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

When we were kids my Mom always had Rosebud Salve. We used it on our cheeks when they were chapped from playing in the snow. I haven't seen this in years, but Mitch's question reminded me of it. does anyone know if they still make this, and where I could get it. It came in a little blue tin, with roses on it, and it smelled like roses too! Thanks for the help!

-- Melissa (, January 07, 2002


Yes, we still buy it in small tins from a local Amish store. I have seen it somewhere else lately but I don't remember where. We not only use it for chapped lips ut it works great on cold sores also. I can give you the address for the store as they do send items mail order.

-- Joanie (, January 08, 2002.

Please do post it, if you have it available. I just loved the smell of it, and it really worked. Thank you!

-- Melissa (, January 08, 2002.

Melissa, it is basically just petroleum jelly with some camphor and phenol in it, Bag Balm is very similar but not scented the same. The scent is not of natural sources so is really not good to apply to the skin. Plain petroleum jelly is safer, or the salves that are vegetable based are even better!

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 08, 2002.

Annie, I might get some anyways just so I can smell it!!!

I appreciate the way you know all of the natural cures and methods. I am sure it must have taken you years to learn all of this knowledge, and it is really nice of you to share all of your hard- found knowledge with those of us who are just learning! I'm sure we must be a trial to you sometimes!! Thank you so much!

-- Melissa (, January 08, 2002.

Did I just see that in the new Lehman's catalog?

-- Laura (, January 08, 2002.

I think I might have seen it in the Watkins cataloge?!

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, January 08, 2002.

from; SMITH'S ROSEBUD SALVE First prepared by a druggist in 1892, a reliable family salve, contains cottonseed oil, borax, armor mole with essential oils blended in a special petroleum base. $5 for an 8oz tin.

I've ordered stuff from them before, good company to deal with. Lots of old-time stuff hard to find, even clothes.

-- Dave (, January 08, 2002.

Rosebud Salve is available directly from the manufacturer, the Rosebud Perfume Company. You can write to them at 6 N. Main St., Woodsboro, MD 21798 to order salve or to find out where you can buy it in your area. You can also call them at 301-845-8788 and order by phone. It's still the original formula salve, more popular today than ever, after more than 100 years!

-- CC (, June 03, 2002.

My great-grandfather, GF Smith, was the inventor of Rosebud Salve. Today, the company remains a family owned business and my mother, Vivian, is the manager.

Rather than address orders to 6 North Main Street, Woodsboro, orders should be addressed to PO Box 44 Woodsboro, MD 21798, or call 301-845- 8788, fax 301-845-8039.

-- linda "smith" pruitt-michielli (, August 17, 2002.

My grandparents recently moved away from their farm in Woodsboro, but every winter at Grandma's house I would rub Rosebud salve into my fingertips and nails to keep them from splitting. It makes everything you do and touch smell like roses! Grandpa Jesse remembers his mother using it when he was a boy!

-- Havah Armstrong Walther (, October 02, 2002.

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