Brownie 2A : LUSENET : Brownie Cameras : One Thread

I have a Brownie 2A camera but it is lacking the lens...I was wondering where in the world I would even try to find a lens. Or am I best to go in search of another brownie and abandon this one to my book shelf? Any and all help would be appreciated. And if any one knows of the best plavce (or the only place) to get #116 film that wold be appreciated as well.

-- Steve Baliko (, January 07, 2002


brownie 2a

I think, Steve, that with your camera lens is a behind-the-shutter model. If you haven't opened it up yet, do so and look in thru the back - there should be a lens there.


-- Peter Lutz (, January 07, 2002.

Pete is right on with his answer. I have a 2A and the lens is right where he says it is

-- Tom Mavin (, March 13, 2002.

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