looking for parts for Copperclad wood cookstove

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

hello, We just installed a Copperclad wood stove made by Malleable range Co of St. Louis. How do we find replacement parts? The indentation in the removeable plates are worn away so that you cannot lift the plates up with the lifter.

Kind Regards, Pat

-- Pat Poupore (seayawl@compuserve.com), January 07, 2002



I had that problem with my other cookstove and a friend did some cast iron welding on the bad lips and it worked fine. I think you need someone who knows how to weld cast ironed because I have been told that it is different that welding reg. metal.

Good luck.

-- Cordy (ckaylegian@aol.com), January 07, 2002.


Accidently deleted your e-mail, please re-send.

-- Cordy (ckaylegian@aol.com), January 07, 2002.

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