U.W. Boot and Shoe "Company" ("Cooperative")greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread |
My ggg-grandfather was a shoe maker, apparently, and held a position with the U.W. Boot and Shoe Company (1890's). It appears that this may have been located at 134 Bartlett Street. Does anyone know anything about this company or have any backgraound whatsoever on the building?Also, if there are any San Francisco native O'Briens out there, I would love to connect! I am doing research on the John Daniel O'Brien I family and descendants.
This is a great board!
-- Kris O'Brien Mays (oregonmaysfamily@aol.com), January 07, 2002
Have you checked with the Irish Cultural Center out by the beach? Here's their website:http://www.irishcentersf.org/
They have a research library, but whether it's available on line, I'm not sure. I didn't go that far into the site.
-- Miss Rosa (rosadebon@yahoo.com), January 07, 2002.