barnyard assortment from murray mcmurray (Turkeys/Geese) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Have any of you ordered the Barnyard Combinations from Murray McMurray? If so were you pleaaased with it. Can you remember what varieties of turkeys ducklings and gooslings you received? Was it truly straight run?Many thanks,Kim
-- kim (, January 06, 2002
I ordered the 6 ducklings, 6 gosling combination and was very happy with them. Last year I ordered the Meat & Egg Combo of chickens and half of the meat birds died within a week. I was not happy with the response of Murray McMurray which was a big zero.
-- Mary in East TN (, January 06, 2002.
Our first order from Murray McMurray was for an order of straight run white rock chickens. They arrived healthy and hardy and they did well. We subsequently ordered Quail from them and had a terrible experience!! All but 6 died after 3 weeks!! We did everyhing right but still lost them. We have mixed feelings about Murray McMurray.
-- Barret and Dianne Rudolph (, January 10, 2002.