Starter Jacob sheep Flock For Sale : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

3 Jacob sheep: 1 ewe lamb, 1 four-horned ram lamb and 1 two-year old ewe. All shots are up to date. The ewes are breed. The ram is not related to the 2 ewes. The fleece is mostly black and the lambs (born 3/2001) still have their first lamb fleece. I am asking $45 for each. Would like to sell together. I'm located in southeastern Massachusetts.

-- Patrick (, January 05, 2002


I would like you to email my .I would be interested.Also do you have any pictures to send me ?

-- Patty {NY State} (, January 05, 2002.

Did you sell them yet? If not, I'd be very interested.


-- Sharon in Central NY (, January 10, 2002.

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