23CII Dual Dichro to Cold Light

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have a Beseler 23CII Dual Dichro and was thinking about conversion to Aristo Cold light- question is do you just replace the dichro housing with the cold light... or does this conversion require the condenser head? Thanks for the input.

-- Mike Castles (photomc@flash.net), January 05, 2002


You do not require the condensor housing. The Aristo replaces the Dicro head.

Ought of curiosity, why make this change? Cold light and diffuse dicrhoic heads produce nearly identical results as far as B&W is concerned.

-- Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com), January 05, 2002.

Coldlight and dichro heads are both diffusion sources; the dichro doesn't produce a weird discontinuous spectrum plus it has handy-dandy VC filtration built right in.

Why would you want to replace it with a coldlight? A fluorescent tube behind a diffuser doesn't produce any magical qualities.

-- John Hicks (jhicks31@bellsouth.net), January 06, 2002.

I also have a 23cII (XL) that i bought about 24 years ago with a stabilized power supply with the intention on getting a dual dichro head. I used it for about a year... things happened in my life, it went into storage, and now it's 24 years later and i'm using it again. It's in perfect shape. Question is... how do you like yours? In a quarter century is there something better? do I get a cold light head? a dual dichro head? Something new i don't know about? I have - for all intents and purposes - a 25 year old enlarger thats one year old. also, what happened to papers? I bought some polymax II, (I had some filters.), and my exposures are 3 seconds @ f 16. what happened to 20 second or longer exposures. My son says the bulb is too bright. It's original equip. This is embarrising. Fall asleep for 25 years and everything is way different. For the record, I shoot 6x7,6x9, 35mm, b and w. I would like to keep the equipment i have. I just want to update it. thanks in advance for any help, dee

-- dee seegers (deesee@pinn.net), January 23, 2002.

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