Happy New Year Prayergreenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
To all of my Brothers and Sisters in ChristHappy New Year Greetings from Bermuda. My Prayer for all of you today is that you are doing exceedingly well in both physical and spiritual health. My Prayer is also for those who have not been given the opportunity to see another year (and all of your families affected) My Prayer is that God would bless you individually and collectively as members of the body of Christ. My prayer is for renewed faith and strength in the service to our great God. My prayer is also for the breaking of the shackles of finance and other earthly issues that affect us all. My prayer is for the renewal of familiy ties both personal and Christian. May God empower us and our Church to march Forward.
Blessings to you all
-- Anonymous, January 05, 2002
Nalton thank you for that beautiful prayer. I pray that God will bless you mightily. How are things in your conference and what does your church usually do for founders day. This will be the first year that my church will celebrate and I could use some ideas. Happy New Year to you and your family!
-- Anonymous, January 05, 2002