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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I've been off the forum for some days now due to sickness. My head is spinning round and round, even while lying down. I have been up most nights this week with an annoying dry, hacky cough. My head is not stuffed; I don't have any other symptoms, but I have not gotten a full night's sleep since before Christmas. Some nights I have only gotten 2-3 hours sleep. I think that may be why I am so dizzy, but, generally speaking, I just plain don't feel well.

So, your opinions, please. My son thinks our house is germy and that we need to do some major cleaning (which we haven't done in a while). I should also state that I tend to be anemic and have characteristically low blood pressure. I should also state that we have reason to believe that I am probably expecting again. This has not been officially diagnosed, so Jillybean, if you're reading this, DON'T TELL ANYBODY! (Your mom already knows.) I am thinking of trying to find out where in Canada I can get my hands on some GOOD-tasting liquid chlorophyll. Anybody know if Nature Sunshine deals in Canada?

Jillian's mom called tonight to say that she is coming at 9 in the morning to take all my children away for the day so I can get some rest and Tom can get some studying done. She will bring them home after supper. This will be such a blessing, but I'm getting a little tired of going from the bed to the couch and back again. And I can't seem to shake this cough!

Okay, not trying to sound like I'm complaining, but what do you take for a cough when you think there's another life involved?

Got to get to bed--can't sit long at the 'puter anymore.

-- Cathy N. (keeper8@attcanada.ca), January 04, 2002


Sorry to hear your not feeling well. I will say a prayer for you. That is so great when a friend will take the kids so you can rest. I think you did say something about repairing the kitchen ceiling,maybe something got in the air and causing your cough. Do rest and drink lots of water. Just good advice for everyone. (I'm not a doctor) LoL

-- Jo (farmerjo@kvalley.com), January 05, 2002.

There seems to be a lot of people suffering from a dry hacking cough right now. I really don't think your house is germy. Maybe it is dusty from the ceiling repair job you have been doing though. An air cleaner might help. Also, try to drink at least 8 glasses of water and a tall glass of orange juice. Watch your intake of folic acid as you need that for the "little one". Maybe you should see a doctor. I have a friend from Canada who ignored her cough and now has bronchial pneumonia.

-- Ardie /WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), January 05, 2002.

Hi Cathy, I was hoping you were feeling better by now. You certainly could have pneumonia. I know several people who had it with the same conditions you describe. I would probably go to the doctor, just to make sure. When I was pregnant for Lindsey, I was so sick I was in bed for 2 months, not much fun, but you don't mention that kind of sickness. I hope and pray you are feeling better soon my friend!

-- Melissa (me@home.net), January 05, 2002.

If it's dry, humidifier or large pots of water on the wood stove & herb tea w/honey.

-- DW (djwallace@sotc.net), January 05, 2002.

My husband had the same symptoms and he was diagnosed with an inner ear infection. It lasted about three weeks.

-- (trigger@montana.net), January 05, 2002.

See a Doctor. He can look in your ears and throat for signs of inflamation/ infection, check your pressure and so on. About 2 weeks ago my head started aching. Unfortunately this is not unusual for me. Then it was crackling sounds in my ear and vertigo (head spinning) at bed and rising. When I started anti-histimines and decongestant (I don't know about pre-natal affects of these - does anyone?) the drain stuffiness and dry cough started. They are making me cranky, irritable, tired and restless. I am going to the Dr. Monday, as I needed a physical anyway. I will pray for you and yours.

-- Rick (Rick_122@hotmail.com), January 05, 2002.

I don't have much in the way of good advice, but I will say a prayer for your health and your family's right now, so I won't forget later! I think the doctor is probably a good idea, especially if you might be expecting!

-- Christine in OK (cljford@aol.com), January 05, 2002.

Thanks to everybody for your responses! I have been wondering about the inner ear thing for the dizziness, but since my "normal" blood pressure when pregnant is less than 100 for the top number, I thought that might be it, too.

In all the busyness of Christmas and everything, I totally forgot about the ceiling being re-done recently. Now that I think back, all of us had some type of upper respiratory thing that started about that time. I just haven't been able to stop long enough to think things through, I guess.

We are going to be checking out the area doctors soon, asking for referrals, etc. We have not needed to see a doctor since we moved, so this should be interesting. Canada's health system is so totally different from the states; one more thing to get used to:o)

Thanks again for your prayers. My cough is slightly better today, and I have been enjoying the day of rest without having to wonder what the children are up to.

-- Cathy N. (keeper8@attcanada.ca), January 05, 2002.

Coughing plus the kind of dizziness you are describing usually equals acute sinusitis...if you believe you may be expecting, it would be better to see a healthcare provider sooner rather than later...in the meantime, I would recommend getting some Eucalyptus oil and sniffing it off and on..also, drink lots of water..if you do these things and the symptoms improve, sinusitis goes to the very top of the list. God bless.

-- lesley (martchas@bellsouth.net), January 05, 2002.

I saw my Doctor today. He saw nothing wrong in my ears, but he did mention that being dehydated and electrolyte imbalance can be a factor in balance issues. It doesn't seem to aply to me, but it is food for thought.

-- Rick (Rick_122@hotmail.com), January 07, 2002.

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