Pullets for sale in Texas?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know or have laying hens/pullets in Texas that they can sell me? Willing to pay up to $4 each. Thanks!

-- The Chicken Man in Texas (Jacobwduffee@juno.com), January 01, 2002


4 bucks for a laying hen?,,ok,, that brings up a question,, what are the prices for chickens/laying hens in your area? Here,, 5 bucks for a young bird,, dont see any birds under 3 bucks,, a decent laying hen,, 10 - 20 bucks

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), January 01, 2002.

I saw white leghorn layers advertised, Greenville, TX, $8.00 each.

-- Elizabeth in E TX (kimprice@peoplescom.net), January 01, 2002.

Chicken Man, I know of a place in Celeste, TX which is near Greenville, TX that sells laying hens and pullets. They don't sell commercial layers though if that is what your looking for. Not sure of the exact web address but if you'll type Good Earth Organic Farms in your search bar I bet you can find it. The website has prices and contact info.

Good luck, DV

-- David Valliant (dhvalliant@yahoo.com), January 01, 2002.

Try Pete Theer www.poultryhelp.com. He's in Kempner

-- Jim Deweese (jedeweese@earthlink.net), January 01, 2002.

Theres a place in Cameron Tx call ideal poultry farms that I got some beautiful hens from for less than $3 each. They have a great website- WWW.Ideal-Poultry.com --Kristen

-- Kristen Hyink (Oinky44@aol.com), March 30, 2002.

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