Country Families Weight countdown thing-a-ma-jig! : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

I have seen many people refer in passing to their weight and wanting to lose some. so I wondered if anyone wants to start a kind of buddy system to lose weight and get in shape. Now we can't get together personally, but once a week I could start a thread and we could discuss our success (or failure...)

I thought if each person set a goal, you don't have to tell how much you weigh now, but maybe just how much you would like to lose. Then each week we could sign in with how much, if any, we have lost so far, and give a little tip or hint that is helping us. If anyone is interested in this type of support group, please sign up below with your own ideas, and I will start this. Let me know what day of the week you think would be best, but NOT Monday!

-- Melissa (, December 31, 2001


This sounds like a good idea. I would be happy to lose 1 to 2 pounds each week, steadily. I know I must exercise much more. ( last Spring my physical therapist talked me into giving up my weekly tennis sessions and I haven't replaced the exercise in my routine)

I would warn against losing to much weight to fast, and forfeiting good nutrition and minimum caloric intake for weight loss results. Also drink plenty of clear fluids.

-- Rick (, December 31, 2001.

3600 calories equal a pound of body fat; take your body weight in pounds, times 15 equals the number of calories you take in to maintain present body weight, lower your calories or increase your activities. PERIOD.

-- mitch hearn (, December 31, 2001.

My son does the fitness and nutrition presentations for his Navy ROTC unit at the University of Texas because he is an athlete (football team) and knows those things. The midshipmen often ask how they can lose weight and how he keeps fit. His answer....

I can eat everything I want, ice cream, double gravy, steaks with fat on it, etc., because I work out twice a day, heavier than most people would ever think of working out, and I burn more calories than some small countries. It's simple, calories in vs. calories burned.

-- Rose (, December 31, 2001.

It gets a little less simple, I think, as you get older, and as you have babies. I didn't have a problem until I gained too much with baby #4.

Anyway, I'm in. I'd be happy to lose 20 pounds this year.

-- mary (, December 31, 2001.

With the increase of my age ---the purty-iness has been replaced with uglyness. I ain't afraid to tell my weight---so---I need to lose about 40 pounds but will settle for 20. I'm a slim trim and old 260 pounds-down from 290--in my prime. My muscular chest fell and I thought it was an earthquake! Now it's shade for my big feet! old skinny hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (, December 31, 2001.

oh how I wish I could gain some weight. I have weighed 125# since I was 18 and I am 41 now. So, if you lose some weight could you send some of it my way? Please?

-- george (, December 31, 2001.

Hey Melissa!!!

Great idea. Count me in. I need all the help I can get. After my kids grew up and life as an emptynester began, so did the body changes. This year the cold just about got my joints and I'm only 46. lol Yup, I need to lose about 30, but my doctor told me 20 by June. So, let's get started. After the black eyed peas tomorrow of course. lol


-- Iris (, December 31, 2001.

George! Please!!! I want to like you!!! Ha, Ha! You remind me of my husband, could eat a horse for breakfast and want lunch at ten o'clock! Still weighs the same as the day I met him!!!

-- Melissa (, December 31, 2001.

George! you sound like my husband! The man can sit and eat and eat and eat and not gain an ounce! My kids run on the slim and trim side too.

All right, count me in. My wieghts nots so bad-though I could stand to lose about ten pounds, but I'm in terrable phsyical shape, I'd like to improve that with exercise. I have problems with my knees, so I'm doing a walking/ yoga plan this year-my SIL is a yoga instructor and she drew up a plan for me-but I need motivation to keep it going.

-- Kelly (, December 31, 2001.

I feel for you George, I wish I could gain about 10 pounds, myself! I only wish I could choose where it would go! It's pretty sad when you have to adjust the weight on your driver's license DOWN, because you don't weigh what you did when you graduated from high school anymore! Please don't hate skinny people, some of us are working just as hard to gain without junking out on sugar as others are to lose without living on celery and clear fluids!

Personally, I give up. According to my mother I had just better enjoy it for about 6 more years, and then look out, because after I hit 40 apparently all that weight I couldn't gain to save my life is going to catch up with me!

-- Christine in OK (, December 31, 2001.

Definitely count me in! I need to lose a lot of weight, and I could sure use the support.

-- Cheryl in KS (, January 01, 2002.

I'll go in for it, too. At my size I may have to get down to the local elevator or out to the DOT hut on the interstate to get my starting point, though. ;o)

All kidding aside, I would like to drop the pounds I've put on since my son went off to college and our basketball games together diminished. That's probably just as well, though. My 'baby' is now 6'-4, 230 very lean pounds, plays daily and lifts weights daily, too. Quite frankly, he just isn't near as much fun to play as he was a few years ago. ;o)

-- Gary in Indiana (, January 01, 2002.

Great idea!

I'll give a health tip now. Take your weight, divide it by 2. That's how many ounces of water you should drink in 24 hours. Yes, I know it sounds as if you will be living in the bathroom, but your body will adjust. Also, drink water when you wake in the night. My aunt had bladder cancer and her doctor told her that drinking water in the night is very important.

-- Ardie /WI (, January 01, 2002.

Count me in Please. This is my goal for 2002!! I have lots to lose but starting with a goal of 20 pounds for March.I'm very lucky Mike loves me for me. He only wants me to lose it for my health. Hogh blood and heart attacks run in my family so got it get it under control!!

-- Sandy(N.E.FL.) (, January 01, 2002.

I am glad to see so many are interested in this idea. I think I will make Thursday "weigh in day" I will say I would like to lose at least 40 pounds to start. I used to jog, but with my knee troubles my doctor said not to. I also used to really be into weightlifting, so I am going to start this again slowly. I also have several exercise tapes and if I switch them back and forth I won't get too bored with them. So be ready on Thursday to start! We can tell what exercise/diet changes we are making, outr goal to lose and if we have lost anyhing. I realize that this Thursday no one will have lost anything yet!

-- Melissa (, January 01, 2002.

I'm in. I like Mitch's calorie equation and Ardie's equation for water intake. If I were to go by it though, I would be drinking less water than I am now. It would be a good starting point for people who don't presently drink much water.

-- LaDena,Tx9 (, January 01, 2002.

Sounds like a great idea, When menopause happened I gained weight, I now weigh in at 198, I walk the dogs everyday, I could lose weight a whole lot easier when young. I do a whole lot better with a modification of atkins diet, I eat two meals of protein, then the dinner I eat what ever I want. Seems to work, Take vit. E, to keep fat from sticking to arterys. I will check in on Thursday. Love Irene

-- Irene texas (tkorsborn@, January 01, 2002.

Sign me up!! I need all the help I can get! I need to loose a lot and need to do some research about somethings I think might be affecting me also. I can't "weight" until Thursday and I wish us all lots of luck and health!!God BLess

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, January 01, 2002.

Me too!

I really need to lose about 50, but I'm going to set my goal at 10 for now. I lost 16 pounds this last summer by eating 1 veggie meal a day(and two other meals, of course) and making sure I ate at least 3 fruits a day. I took a walk every day and drank bubbly water instead of pop(my downfall). And lots of water too.

But I'm finding this much harder to do this winter. Salads don't appeal when I'm cold and not many interesting fresh vegetables in our part of the country in winter. Any ideas? See you on Thursday!

-- Kari (, January 01, 2002.

Yes count me in. I need to lose 50 pounds. I usually do weight watchers but haven't had the motivation lately. Having someone hold me accountable will help emmencly. Great idea

-- melinda (, January 02, 2002.

Ok...I'll try this too. I have no idea what I weigh but will find out tomorrow at my Dr. appt. I think I need to lose 10-20 lbs. I'm going to try Mitch's equation. I'm pretty kundalini yoga twice a week (we have a great teacher in this tiny town and it IS a workout) and ski or walk every day (plus physical homestead stuff), but I am one of those people who's always had to watch what I eat.

-- Cat (, January 02, 2002.

Let me recommend a site for diet ideas, recipes etc. It is The forum is full of different diets and lots of nice people.

-- Ardie/WI (, January 02, 2002.

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