Palladium / Platinum Starter Kit' : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Alternative Process : One Thread |
I would like to find someone that sells Palladium / Platinum Starter Kit's or at least pre coated papers. I live in the UK.
-- Jonathan Richardson (, December 31, 2001
I'm not aware of a source in Britain. You can purchase kits from Bostick and Sullivan, Artcraft, or Photographer's Formulary in the U.S. Links to these sites can be found at
-- Ed Buffaloe (, December 31, 2001.
Best I know is:Silverprint 12 Valentine Place London SE1 8QH, UK. tel 0171 620 0844
Good luck
-- Jorge Gasteazoro (, January 01, 2002.
the resource at the maine photographic workshops used to sell a very high quality system. Again, this is in the
-- anno k (, February 15, 2002.