Resque rabbits- help! (free in NC) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just resqued about 25 to 30 rabbits from a woman who could no longer care for them. I already have like 70 rabbits myself (show and pet breeding and for meat here), and these newbies are mutts, for the most part. Anyone in my area wanting rabbits- some are strait bred minilops and others, can have some free. They are white, black, brown and white (broken as they call it) and brown, and quite nice looking. They are about, it appears, 5-7 lbs when full grown. There are some babies to choose from. I dont really have the facilities to do anything but temporily put these resque bunnies up. Anyone wanting to get started in rabbits, heres your opportunity. I live in n central NC, and would be acessible to southern VA.

-- Kevin in NC (, December 31, 2001


Response to Resque rabbits- help!

some of the best rabbits we have had were rescues usualy single pets had a fine doe come to me when the owner went to college and the parents didnt want to have the responsibility she came with a cage ,50 lb of pellets and 20$ guilt money the best part was she was adorable and a prolific mother lol i bought many poor breaders .had several allergy rescues that were very good stock too. i hope you can connect some rabbits with owners ,it is so nice to start someone with a pair so they can learn

-- george darby (, January 01, 2002.

Yes, I am interested! Im in central va...willing to travel half way.

-- Julie Britt (, January 01, 2002.

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