Around here Sunday Night : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Hi to all! I have been reading a while and my eyes hurt already, but I thought I would jot down a few thoughts!

My Mom got Brady a flashlight that attaches to his head (like a mine light) now he is so happy ot go out after dark and put in the chickens. They are all so afraid of the dark. I asked Brady once what he thought was "out there" and he looked at me with the biggest eyes and said the one word that strikes fear in the heart of every child: "BEARS". LOL No bears here as far as I know. But to a child every little night-time noise is a bear waitng to happen!

Megan is at a friends house for a "slumber party." They were cooking when I left. Brave mother! They had a whole extravagant menu made up and were making home-made cream puffs!

Kadia has been digging through my pictures to fill some frames she got for Christmas. It is so fun to look at all of the old pictures. Why don't we even notice the kids growing and changing?? I wish I could go back to when they were babies for just a few hours, I wouldn't put them down for a second. I know you young mothers feel like they will never grow up, but, Oh they will, and so fast.

Tomorrow I am taking down my trees. Kind of sad. They are so big and pretty, the house will seem a little empty!

Lindsey, poor girl, has a headache. I gave her a cool cloth for her head, and she fell asleep in the big chair by the fire. I will have to cary her to bed. She is sleeping with her big sister tonight, as her "room-mate" is not here, and she wanted to camp out in Kadia's room.

My little brother called tonight from Arizona. I love to hear from him. He is the cowboy! He is working on a big ranch. I asked him what he was going to do with his evening off, and he said he was looking for a chicken!!! Seems they get mostly beef to eat, and chicken sounded mighty good to him!He did go to church, said it is the only place to meet girls!!!! Oh well...

Cale is still off work until Wed. He hasn't worked since the Friday before Christmas. They still have another job to do, which is very late to be working for him. Usually by now he is laid off. I guess my savings will stretch for a good while yet.

My kids love their little kittens so much, although they are getting bigger now! Brady calls Tigger his little brother, and carries him around and shows him everything in the house. It is just too cute! I am glad he is learning to love animals and to take care of them at a young age. The way he treats that kitten, he will be a good Dad some day.

Well I had better go, it is a cold 13 degrees here tonight and my fingers are stiff and cold! It is warmer thatn 13 in here!!! But the fires are working over-time tonight to keep the house warm! This is the time of year I am glad we have a shed full of wood. We burn up several wheelbarrow loads a day when it drops down this low.

Everyone have a good day tomorrow. I will be very busy cleaning!

-- Melissa (, December 30, 2001


Usually by the time we all get home from church, we're all tired and cranky. Its those ninish hours and everyones rushing to do what they want before bed. I usually hop into pjs and sit in front of the computer, hoping to relay my day to other friends who might be on. Namely daniel, its a nice little arrangement i have going on. After this, once my eyes have already begun to wilt , i will turn off this contraption and get the dishes done.

-- jillian (, December 30, 2001.

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