flash for Pentax P30t

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi, I am taking a college photography class and have inherited a Pentax P30t with 50mm lens. I would like to get a flash, but being new to photography, I have no idea what kind to buy that will work with this camera. Any advice? Thanks!

-- Alicia O'Neill (missmisery74@netscape.net), December 29, 2001


Any cheap generic flash will do. Go to Walmart & buy the little Vivitar they sell for $20. Set the shutter to the P30t's max sync speed or less (Probably 1/60 or 1/125). And set the aperture to whatever the flash recommends.

If you want to move upscale, buy a Vivitar 285 or Sunpak 383.

-- Jim Strutz (j.strutz@gci.net), December 30, 2001.

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