Conversion of Durst 1200 Lab to : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Hello from KarlI bought a Durst 1200 4x5 enlarger, I should have waited until I found a 5x7 which would allow me to do 6x17 panoramic prints. Not patient enough! How can I convert this enlarger to allow me to print a 6x17 neg to 40x120cm prints? Is this possable? If not what other enlarger should I consider.
Thanks in advance for whatever info I recieve. Cheers Karl
-- Karl Beath (, December 28, 2001
Hi KarlThere is a company in Oregon which sells re-manufactured Durst 138: . Not cheap but a solution if you really need those big Dursts.
Your other solution is to forget about true 6cmX17cm panoramics. However why don't you try masking down 6cmX12cm to obtain 6X17 aspect ratio. You won't really lose much along the top.
If you already have a 6x17, then my suggestion won't make sense. I wonder if you could raise the head of your L1200 Durst to throw a wider cone of light on your film. There will be some light fall-off, I am sure.
-- Erik X (, December 28, 2001.
Karl, I have a Durst L1200 and a Durst 138. I think that trying to convert the L1200 to 5x7 would be on the edge of common sense! Be patient, sometimes a 5x7 will show up, mine finally did! Happy hunting, Steve
-- Steve Clark (, December 29, 2001.