goat cheesegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Dairygoats : One Thread |
My wife and I enjoy hard goat cheese, but have had trouble finding it (like goat Gouda). A town we used to live in had a heath food store that sold it, but there doesn't apear to be one hereabouts.Anyone know goat cheese and goat yogurts can be bought over the Internet?
-- Don Caskey (dgcaskey@yahoo.com), December 27, 2001
I think Redwwod Hills has a web site. It may be under Bice Schack farms. I'll look and see if I can find it.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), December 27, 2001.
Here are two linksgreat goat, sheep, and cow cheese
Redwood Hills Dairy
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), December 27, 2001.
That is how we got started in our goat dairy operation. I am a big cheese fan! There are several sites where you can buy chese over the internet. here are some. I know Redwood Hills that Rebekah mentioned is one of the many. Here are some more.http://www.cybernet1.com/goatbros/ http://www.happydaysdairy.com/entry.htm http://www.haystackgoatcheese.com/ http://www.midcoast.com/~mystique/ http://www.stickneydairy.com/ Also try Caprineestates.com the Deans' site or Willow run Dairy Here are more:
Coonridge Organic Goat Cheese 47 Coonridge Dairy Pie Town, NM 87827 1-888-410-8433 cheese@coonridge.com www.coonridge.com
Drinking Swamp Farm P.O. Box 57 Haynesville, VA 22472 804-394-3508 1-877-GOATBOY goatboy@sylvaninfo.netl homepages.sylvaninfo.net/drinkingswamp
Elk Creek Cheese Company 2660 Applegate Rd. Applegate, MI 48401 810-633-9547 wcd@triton.net
Hope this helps. I am not yet ready to sell our cheeses but will be soon.
-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), December 27, 2001.