Small Groups : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Some questions: 1 - Are small groups a part of your church's ministry (or for some are small groups your church's minstry); 2 - How do you run and direct the groups; 3 - Any general tips or advice for these groups; 4 - I am especially wanting to know any info about groups for teens and children or how to incorporate them in a general meeting of adults.

For the uninformed, when I say small groups, it is a term for when the church meets in a home. The nons have had some explosive ministry in this area but is there any in the independent's area that can be shared? I have been learning about this for about 8 years now, but have never fully implemented them due to the constraints of the church's being served.

Thanks for your help.

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001

Answers a number of our doesn't need to be adapted!!! :)

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2001

Regarding groups for children-

We have been incorporating Group's Faithweavers curriculum ( for our children's outreach. Recently, they came out with FW Friends, a small group curriculum for kids. I have not looked at it myself, but I very much like Faithweavers. Sweet Publishing now takes their curriculum and adapts it to Restoration Movement theology where needed, ie baptism.

God bless,

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2001


On question 1: Small groups are the building blocks of our church's ministry. Leadership is trained there, ministry occurs through "task oriented" small groups, community is built that way, and evangelism is done through them (with the idea that many who want visit a church will come join a small group of folks for an evening). We don't force everyone into "sitting/permanent" small groups, but we try to offer as broad a spectrum of groups as a means of ministering to people's needs as possible. On question 2: We have a full time minister for our "community" small groups. He oversees training of leaders and adminstrative duties. He has a full-time adminstrative assistant to help. He also has several "coaches" who minister to/mentor 5-10 small group leaders that he in turn mentors. On question 3: there is a ton of info out there. Our resource center has links to a number of other small group sites (warning: we adapt a number of non-restoration movement materials for our use, so a lot of the resources and links are from these non-restoration sources)

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2001

My family belongs to a home fellowship group. Right now our group includes 7 children, 1-12 years of age. Notice the word, INCLUDES. These children are with the adults, with their own Bibles, paper and pens. They still absorb the teaching even when they are quietly doodling or writing messages back and forth. They are very well behaved children because they are taught to behave at home.

I do not understand the concept of separating children from parents and trying to make them swallow some sappy baby program that has very little to do with knowing God and a lot to do with keeping them busy and out of everyone's hair.

For keeping teens' attention, readings and discussions need to focus on life application concepts of faith. You need to be able to talk about the problems teens face everyday out in the world. It needs to go beyond WWJD to WIJD, what is Jesus doing, and WDJWYTD what does Jesus want YOU to do. Teens need to see faith in action and so few churches offer that. For teens, expressing a boldness for Christ is a rebellion against the godless worldview they are submersed in except for the few hours they are with you. they need examples not words.

How do we run the group? With Biblical principles. The New Testament is quite explicit how these groups should be done, submitting to one another--the original Greek word there is persuade. These groups are to glorify God and bring a move of His Holy Spirit. Nothing will kill them quicker than a power tripper or a packaged formula.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2002

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