Happy Birthday Rev. Parisgreenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Happy belated birthday Rev. Paris. I pray you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, and you had a joyous birthday. God Bless.
-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001
Pastor Paris,From across the miles, we pray that your birthday was filled with hope, joy, and love.
Rev. Joyce
-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001
Happy belated birthday Pastor Paris! Yahoo! God is good. Now I know in Texas everything is done in a big way. So we are going to celebrate your birthday Texas style, and celebrate for a few more weeks. You are the best.
-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001
You all are so kind; thank you very much and God BlessPastor Paris
-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001