Want to buy Appledore Pod

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

I'm interested in buying a used Appledore Pod. Anyone have one for sale?

-- Jim Ferry (big@capecod.net), December 25, 2001


I am interested in buying that boat also. Have you rowed one? Why did you choose that boat . Wood or fiberglas?

-- Libby Smith (libbysmith@home.com), January 11, 2002.

My appledore is definitely not for sale and I rarely see them on the used market. Check with Gaeton or any of the guys at The Small Boat Shop in Norwalk, CT for info. My boat is an oddball. It is the cold-molded cedar version, but it had been gelcoated dark green with a white bottom. I row it with a single oarmaster and sail it often with the A-frame staysail rig. I'd love to write more but the babies are crying. Great boat.

-- Gerard Sava (g.sava@verizon.net), January 13, 2002.

I 'm looking to sell my 16' Appledor Pod - split hull version. Adlen used to (?) make hulls that come apart in the middle (the two sterns bolt together). I bought it back in 1998, glassed the scratches and put two coats of epoxy paint on the inside and the outside of the hull. Has a fixed seat/sliding feat rowing unit. I'm not sure what it is worth, but it sure is a great boat. Let me know if you are interested.

-- James Curren (james_curren@hotmail.com), April 07, 2003.

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