looking for 8x10 enlarger head design...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
hi, a while ago, i saw / found there was a wed which had a drawing design for 8x10 enlarger head. But i could not find it now.. Does anyone has any idea what web am i talking about? please let me know..i am going to build a 8x10 cold-light head convert to my camera. any suggestion?
thanks Merry X'mas
-- Jeff Liao (jliao66@aol.com), December 25, 2001
Jeff, The Cameramakers list has recently had information on this subject. Go to: http://rmp.opusis.com/pipermail/cameramakers/ and look at December 2001 by Thread.Leonard
-- Leonard Robertson (leonard@harrington-wa.com), December 25, 2001.
Try this: http://www.infomaniac.ch/~bonavolt/enl8x10.htm
-- John Kasaian (www.kasai9@aol.com), December 25, 2001.