NIkon 6000 help : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I just inherited a Nikon 6000 without a flash and I am a beginner, so I don't know much about the functions... is there a manual or book that I could purchase to make my photo life a little easier?

-- Kelly O'Neill (, December 21, 2001


Hi Kelly,

Michael Huber has written a book on the N6000 and the N6006 (which are known as the F-601M and the F-601 outside the United States). It is published by Hove Foto Books in the UK. I don't know of a US distributor but it is available from Grays of Westminster in London:


I'm sure that you could also get at least a photocopy of the original instruction manual from John Craig in Torrington, Connecticut:


Dr Owl

-- John Owlett (, December 21, 2001.

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