chickens don't read books (Poultry - Eggs) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I got the biggest giggle out of my layers this morning. Now, you all know that tomorrow is the shortest day of the year and in my area of Maine we're getting less than 9 hours of daylight right now. I decided to try putting two of the solar sidewalk lights in with my layers to see if I could get them to keep laying. The lights aren't very bright, but neither are the chickens so I thought I might be able to fool them. Well, this morning I found a brown egg in the nest. I have been getting eggs from one other hen, but they've been green americauna eggs, so I know this is a different hen. So, given a dim bulb, this hen has decided to start her light-induced laying cycle on nearly the shortest day of the year. (All right, so I'm easily amused....)
-- Sheryl in Me (, December 20, 2001
I can see this in a cartoon, chicken laying in a nest with a light bulb above her head,like the idea, with a bubble saying, "Okay, think light and start laying". LOL!!!!!
-- Kelle in MT (, December 21, 2001.