Color from Condenser? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Ive got a Beseler 23cll enlarger with a condenser head, Will I be able to print color prints with this and if so what would I need? Right now im in the learning stage but when I feel more adept and I know more of whats going on, then Il know more of what I want so I can upgrade to some newer and better equipment and I can make better choices on my own but I gota learn to dogpadle before I can swim! Thanks

-- Mark (, December 15, 2001


Not to worry! You will simply need a set of color filters which are used between the light source and the lens. Although they are not quite as convenient as having a color head, you will give up nothing in print quality. Not expensive, they run $26.95 a set from B&H. I think the Beseler 23 uses 3.5"x3.5" filters. It is a great 35mm enlarger!

-- Arden Howell (, December 15, 2001.

Like Arden, I suggested color filters in response to a similar question some time back. The other responses made it seem like color prints could no longer be made using anything less than the most sophisticated color head. It's nonsense. You'll gain a much better understanding of color printing using filters, even if you eventually get a new head. It's not as fast, but just as good.

-- Conrad Hoffman (, December 17, 2001.

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