CO - Tax software taxes city budget Millions in overruns blamed on glitches with programming : LUSENET : Y2K discussion group : One Thread

Older article from the Denver Post

Arthur Kane Denver Post Staff Writer
March 5, 2001; Page B-01
The nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan and other unforeseen problems have forced the city of Denver's spending on a computer system to go more than 30 percent over budget. The Integrated Tax System computer hardware and software were purchased in 1997 to replace an aging system and prepare for Y2K problems. It was suppose to cost $3.5 million.

-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001



CO: Fiscal fix has big costs for city

-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001

The nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan and other unforeseen problems

Is this a non sequitur or what?

-- Anonymous, December 21, 2001

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