Debt : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Page 656 of the new AME Discipline has a Budget Line item called Debt Retirement. This consist of two sub-items, Princpal Payment and Interest Payment (Line of Credit). The Principal Payment is budgeted at $0.00 and the Interest Payment is set in excess of $100K for each of the next four years. My questions are: 1) Why are we not trying to retire the debt by making a principal payment? 2) How much is the debt? 3) What does the "Line of Credit" mean as related to the Interest Payment?I hope someone can help me>
Pastor Paris
-- Anonymous, December 14, 2001
I am sorry to say, but I have absolutely no clue. I am not a part of the inner circle. I am also curious about the answers to that question. Maybe it should be raised on the floor of the General Conference in 2004.
-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001